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donderdag, mei 06, 2004

My blog in Poland

This blog is also found in Poland now, thanks to my link of the recipe site in Polish, with a steak on it, which is 'stek' in Polish, just like my last name. Since Poland is one of the 10 new countries of Europe, it does seem appropriate and I welcome our Polish friends, especially the ones that are interested in artphotography.

It is interesting though that my last name means 'steak' in Polish. It reminds me of a poem I wrote (again!!! something is triggering my memory tonight!) many many years ago. I wrote it in Dutch and it went like this:

Ik ben een sinaasappel...
Pel m'n schil
Oranje met gaatjes
Trek me open
Proef m'n sappen
en kauw m'n vlees fijn.


I am an orange
Peel me off
Orange with little holes
Tear me open
Taste my juices
and chew my flesh.

It would be quite easy to replace the orange with a steak, the only thing that would seem strange, would be the orange part with the little holes. You would really wonder whether the steak was still up to date, but for the rest...

Well, anyway... Who knows what other poems will come along memory lane these days... Just wait and see...

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