Austrian-born Brother David Steindl-Rast, O.S.B., is a senior member of Mount Savior Benedictine monastery in New York State. After years of monastic training, Brother David was sent by his abbot to participate in Buddhist-Christian dialogue. Together with Thomas Merton, Brother David contributed to the renewal of religious life, especially through the House of Prayer movement. Brother David is the author of A Listening Heart, Gratefulness, and Belonging to the Universe, which he co-wrote with Fritjof Capra. At present, Brother David is concentrating his efforts on a truly wonderful interactive website, (Visit and light a candle.) Henry Stark, a frequent contributor to SACRED JOURNEY recently interviewed Brother David about his most recent book, Music of Silence: A Sacred Journey through the Hours of the Day, co-written with Sharon Lebell.
In the monastic tradition every day unfolds during eight "hours" or public services of prayer and chanting. "Vigils," the early morning hour is when mystery and darkness reign. "Lauds" acknowledges the coming of the light. "Prime" is the time to deliberately take up the day's labors. "Terce" is a short mid-morning break where spiritual blessings provide the energy to reawaken. "Sext" is in the middle of everything when the sun is at its peak and life is often frenzied. This is the moment to think about peace and offer service to another. "None" acknowledges the lengthening shadows and fading of the day. "Vespers" celebrates the lighting of the lamps as darkness descends and the contradictions of the day are examined, reconciled, and replaced with serenity. "Compline" brings completion to the day. This final prayer for the day begins, "A peaceful night and perfect end grant us. " Thus, the circle of each day is drawn.
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